Our Mission


The mission of the Asheville Museum of History is to preserve and promote the history and legacy of Western North Carolina through interpretation, education, collection, and collaboration.


  • INTERPRETATION: Operating the Smith-McDowell House, an architecturally-significant home (built c1840), as a center of history education dedicated to interpreting the natural and cultural history of our region through exhibitions, programs, and publications;
  • EDUCATION: Educating residents and visitors of all ages through diverse and engaging programming and recognizing excellence in Western North Carolina history and literature by annually awarding the Thomas Wolfe Memorial Literary Award and the Outstanding Achievement Award;
  • COLLECTION: Collecting and preserving objects of regional historic and cultural value for education and exhibition; and
  • COLLABORATION: Encouraging partnerships that advance understanding of Western North Carolina’s history and legacy.


Adopted by the Board of Trustees, March 1, 1999.
Revised & Reaffirmed, November 18, 2020.