Mose, Lucy, & Harry

prior to 1854: Mose was purchased at “the widow Alexander’s sale.”
January 7, 1854: Mose, Lucy, and Harry were enslaved by James M. Smith
May 18, 1856: Mose, Lucy, and Harry were inherited by John P. Smith when John’s father, James M. Smith, dies.
[It is likely that Mose is the same person mentioned in James M. Smith’s 1850 will who was bequeathed to Smith’s wife prior to his death. Note: In the 1880 census, a Mose Cannon, 23, lived at the grounds of Buck House and works for William W. McDowell as a “Laborer.”]
[Lucy may be the same “old Lucy” sold by the John P. Smith estate and/or the same Lucy that was purchased by James M. Smith in 1827 from William Hunter.]