
Know all men by these presents that I William Hunter [sp?][illegible] of the county of Buncombe and the State of No Carolina for and in consideration of one hundred + seventy four Dollars + twenty eight cents current money to me in hand paid by James M Smith, merchant, of the aforesaid County + State the receipt of which I do hereby acknowledge have Bargained Sold and delivered and by these presents bargain sell and deliver unto the said James M Smith a certain Negroe Girl aged Twelve years named Lucy to have and to hold the said bargained negroe unto the said James M Smith his Executors administrators and assigns forever And I the said Wm Hunting [sp?] Lin [sp?] for my self and my Executor and Administrators shall and will warrant and forever defend against all persons by these presents the said bargained Negro Girl unto James M Smith his Executors Administrators and assigns proved never the less that if I [illegible] [new page – 327] administrators or assigns or any [illegible] other do an shall well and truely pay as cause to be paid unto the Said James M Smith his Executors administrators or assigns the sum of one hundred and seventy four dollars and twenty eights cents on or before the fifteenth day of January 1829 with lawfull interest there on from and after the present date for the redemption of the said bargained Negro Girl then the Bill of Sale to be void else to remain in ful force In county where of I have hereunto let my hand and seal this 12th day of March one thousand eight hundred and twenty seven.
c1815: Lucy is born
March 12, 1827: On March 12, 1927, 12-year-old Lucy was sold for $174.28 to James M. Smith. The name of the man who sold her is likely William Hunter. It appears that in the deed of sale, William Hunter retained the right to repurchase Lucy if he repaid the money to James M. Smith by January 15, 1829. It appears that this did not happen, as in the 1830 census, William Hunter did not enslave any people.
January 7, 1854: Lucy is enslaved by James M. Smith.
May 18, 1856: Lucy is now enslaved by John P. Smith as his father has died and left Lucy to John in his will.
August 17, 1858: 58-year-old “old Lucy” is sold by the John P. Smith estate to Jesse S. Smith (John’s brother) for $11.00.