Charles, Peter, & Robb

c1839: Charles is born.
February 9, 1850: Charles is the son of Clara. Peter, Charles – who is Clara’s son, and Robb are enslaved by James M. Smith.

January 7, 1854: Robb passed away some time after October 1851.
May 18, 1856: Peter and Charles are now likely enslaved by John P. Smith as his father has died and left Peter to John in his will.
December 20, 1857: Charles’ and Peter’s captor, John P. Smith, dies without leaving a will.
August 27, 1858: A 19-year-old named “Chores” is sold at the Court House by the Smith estate to J.A. Patton for $1,250.00.
1860: J.A. Patton enslaves seven people including a 21-year old male that may be Charles.