Donate Artifacts

As a nonprofit museum, we depend on the community to entrust their artifacts to us for care, preservation, and display. While we primarily collect objects related to the history of Western North Carolina, we do on occasion also collect archival (paper-based) materials.

Deed of Gift

We collect a variety of objects to help us preserve the history of our region.

We are particularly interested in items that tell a story. For instance, look at the book in the image above. While we are happy to have a first edition of Zelda Fitzgerald’s Save Me the Waltz in our collection because of her connection to our region, we particularly love this copy because it came from the Highland Hospital Library and the library card shows that Zelda was the first person to check it out. (Zelda spent the final years of her life at Highland Hospital.) So, while we certainly would be interested in a quilt made by your great-grandmother who was born in WNC, we’d want to know as much as possible about how her life and how it relates to the quilt. Where did she get the materials? Did anyone help her quilt? Why did she make the quilt–as art, for utility, or a combination of both? 

Interested in donating? Contact us at or 828-253-9231 to let us know more about what you like to donate and to discuss options. You can view our standard Deed of Gift form by clicking the green button above.